Creating a 3 foot square Concrete Raised Garden Bed
Prepare Garden Bed Site – mark a section in your garden or yard for the raised bed. With a shovel or hoe, excavate a flat and level trench a few inches wider inside and outside than the thickness of the panels. Then add a few inches of sand or fine crushed rock. Smooth, level, and pack this by foot or with a tamper tool.
Connect Panels Level and Square – set your panels in place overlapping at the edges and trying to keep them sitting vertical as you go.
As the panels have a slight draft angle on the edges, the sand or gravel in the trench will help them stand up straight. Check with a level as you go and use a framing square to keep the corners at 90 degrees.
Insert Metal Pins into Corners – slide 3/8″ rebar into the holes to connect the panels. Some wiggling may be required to line them up. If required, tap the rebar into the ground with a rubber mallet.
The rebar should move easily through the holes in the concrete. If not, check your panel alignment. Do not use any force to insert the rebar through the holes of mating panels. If they don’t slide easily visually check the hole alignments.
Panels that were made by overfilled molds may have alignment problems. This can be fixed by rubbing the inside face of the panels at the ends to make them thinner. The cast panels should not be more than 2-1/2″ thick at the ends.
Creating a larger Concrete Raised Garden Bed
Fill with Soil & Plant – fill the bed with soil. The sold will also keep the panels in place if there is any play between them.
(patent pending)